Who is God?

God and the trinity

This part is hard to understand, I remember twisting my brain while working with this asignment at school, but suddenly it all got clear.

God is not like us at all, remember this all the time, and he is capable of everything. We are awere he can't show himself for us, because then the free will consept will collapse. The mentioned are facts we are awere of and it's backed up with his creator-skills and the understanding of his love for us.
When it comes to further understanding of God based on the holy scriptures which is connected to the five big religions in this world I wanna mention they all contain a significant smilarity. The Bible, the Qur'an, the Veda texts (origin to Hinduism and Buddhism) and the Tanakh are all similar when it comes to their saving part in the text; they all have a foretold story of a savior for the human mankind.The saviour part is not unique in christian context, but what's unique in christian context compared to the other religions are the following:

Jesus is the mentioned saviour and the salvation is already here, for those whom beleive in him.

Because God is God, Jesus and The Holy spirit at the same time and most likely; God knew human history would collapse from the start.
He already had the plan of salvation ready before it all started and Jesus was even with him in the beginning, we see this explained in the Proverbs 3:19 in the bible, we also see proof of the same situation in Genesis 1:1 were "the wisdom (Jesus)" is part of the creation prosess. This is a really short version of what we call Christology (The teaching of Christs personality) and it involves alot of text analysis and some technicalities. Theologians have worked out alot of theories when it comes to God, Jesus and The Holy spirits co-personalitys and Gods agenda for constructing this consept. I'll present a short version trying to present this in a logic way and I have to admit I'm a huge fan of Anselm of Canterburrys (1033-1109 a.d.) theory were he explains Gods agenda, it's called "Objective doctrine of atonement."

Objective doctrine of atonement

Anselm explained why God needed to incarnate himself into a human being and how this consept worked out in a rational way, he wrote the book "Cur des homo" (latin for: why God human) and in this he answered the question "Why it was absolutely necessary for God to incarnate himself into a human being". Remember this is written for almost 1000 years ago and at that time they were more into righteousness than we might seem to be in our lifetime. Anselm wore sure of Gods agenda was to create a society of reasonable soals, but Gods plan was interrupted by 1/3 of the angels whom rebelled against him (those are the ones we understand as demons being lead by satan).
God wanted all his creations (containing souls) to obey him and his rules, but since he wants a genuine relationship within his society he gives all of them the ability to have free will. The free will gives the consept the genuine and unconsiousness love, but comes with a high price; the ability for disloyalty and betrayl. After the fallen angel situation, God created humans, but even they betrayeled him and Gods honor have now been violated for the second time. Gods consept for the existance have been interrupted and needs to be put in order, because the opposite means he's not allmigthy. In other words; a God whom fails isn't really a God.

So how to deal with all this - while being God?

Since God is truth (meaning he cannot lie as in: not able to) he will not retaliate againt the human rebellions because then all humans will die which will be the end of Gods plan making a society with reasonable beeings and at the same time Gods honor will once again be destroyed. Gods way of dealing with the situation needs to be honest and righteous in it's own way and since he at the same time wants to give the rebellions a posibillity to regret and turn their own actions for restoring the relationship.
All what I just mentioned gives us the necessity of the atonement.
In other words, atonement meens; Someone needs to be put to blame for what happend earlier. Even if God perhaps wants to forgive all humans for what's been done (all the sinning) he is not able to, his love is unconditional (absolutely), but his consept of truth and just is so indoctrinated in his nature he is not capable of taking action in an incorrect manner, and what's correct to do when bad things happen?
Someone needs to be the scapegoat, and since God loves us that much he puts himself in the scapegoat situation. This means he sends his own soul into a humanmade body (Jesus was as we know born as human by his mother Mary) for making the atonement justified for all human race. Anselm also understated Gods reason for putting himself up as the scapegoat (though in a human body) since the situation (all the sins) was of such quantity and massiveness that no human would be able to go through with the restoring sitation. In other words; God is the only one capable of making it right, and for making the restoring situation legally for human race he puts on a human body. Thats why Jesus is even human and God at the same time; God in this particular case for being able to go through the tough situations without sinning and human for making the salvation situation valid for all of the humans whom beleive in him.

Why was it so important for Jesus to be without sin before dying at the cross?
Because death could not hold him as he was without sin, then he could arise from death as the first one of many being born as new.
This is all logic and true, it's a proven historical fact this situastion occured and it's documented by several independent ancient writers.

We need to realize scriptures and text being written in ancient times were written by people with honor, in other words; they didn't produce fake news, but for keeping their own position in the society they were 100% dedicated for writing the truth (you should look it up if you're having doubts cause this is of extreme importance when it comes to trusting what you read of old scriptures and books). according to scientists the sumerian writers was the first humans making text (approximately 5000 years ago) for others to read, it's been said they (among other reasons) started writing for keeping business going and thrustworthy as in writing measurements of e.g. spices or other products they were selling.
Back then there was no printing or book production so everything they read needed to be written down accurate and by hand, so those whom worked as writers needed to be trustworthy and they took huge pride in their work.

The trinity presented among Jesus' human mother Mary, historically she played a huge role in this matter as she freely accepted the sacrificial role as a mother whom contingently knew her own son was going to die a horrible death on a cross (the worst death ever).
Her role is enormous in the catolic and orthodox church as a Saint and a deity whom beleivers often approach for an intersession. This means that beleivers approach Mary for joining them in their own personal prayers, beleiving Marys fellowship in the act of prayer will strengthen it. In both catolic and orthodox christianity there are also many other saints used for this kind of prayer activity.
The buttons underneath will provide more information if you have the interest.   

God is all this: Creator - Logic & order - Love & Reason - Allmigthy - Trinity - Social - Developing & Modern 

We know God is the only creator and when we see how everything works we see there's logic, order and symmetry in the nature. Everything is contructed for a reason and it's the same when it comes to Gods way of loving. You might say God is "strict" in his way of loving, but in my opinion genuin love needs a part of "strictness" in its consept, espesially when the reason for being strict is explained and reasoned for by the loved ones. Let's take an example; children loves candy and might see the parents as "strict" when they say "you can only eat candy once a week and make sure you brush your teeth after!" The child loves candy and don't understand why they can't eat it constantly until the parents explain "your teeth will fall out and you won't be able to eat at all if you don't listen to me." 
In my opinion genuine love is all about teaching children (and adults) how to behave and why they should do so. 

"God is watching 24/7" - a huge shocker for me personally
In every religion we see God as allmigthy and the source of moral. I see this as a sign of God speaking to all humans through our thoughts. I'm certain that's how our subconsciousness works; many of our positiv thoughts comes from God. God is also (of course) a living creature whom actually know your thoughts, actions and opinions. He reads your mind 24/7 and it's nothing you can do about that fact, you can try to run and hide, but where? You may try to tell yourself it's not a fact, but that will be a lie. When this fact came to my understanding I woke up every morning scared (for about 6 months), I opened my eyes and was thinking: "Wow, it's true! It's not just a story, it's actually true! You (God) are there and you read my mind in this actually moment!" I got this answer: "Yes, and I'm not planning to leave!" For me peronally this was a huge shock and I understood i really needed to change (like really change, not once a week, but really put in some effort).

This also means we have a social God and there's at this point all other religions see God differently than how christianity see him; in christianity we see God as our father who cares about us, a father whom sacrificed himself to die for our sake. We see a God whom is allmigthy and at the same time a God whom is reaching out with compassion. The christian God also provide a salvation consept which stands out compared to other religions (this is not a contest, but real facts). Because there's no other way for saving the humanity then God sacrificing himself "dressed up" as a human-being in the act so the consequence of the act (as we know as salvation) would be legit for the human race.

So, how did I suddenly get to be an "expert" on God and his agenda?

Good question and once again I need to emphasize I have turned from an extreme ateist full of arrogance to a humble student trying to help others come to the understanding of Gods presence and agenda. To get to that point I first needed to understand and admit to myself I needed a change for making my life better. In this matter it was the genuin remorse which was crusial for this to actually happen and I will cover this as a task for you later and even explain why it's of most importance. Because without the "genuin remorse-activity" (which is painfull) you don't stand a change. I'll guide you through it step by step when it's time, but first we need to go through something important when it comes to this consept; there's alot of barriers blocking our understanding of Gods presence and his agenda.  I have painfully worked myselves through all (hopefully) of the barriers and will present them to you on the next page so you are prepared before they actually appear. The one thing you need to know about these "barriers" is the one thing they all have in common; they're all created for keeping you and others at a distance from God and for avoiding all of us to get in touch with him. This is a fact and even means we also have invisible enemies (but thats a topic I'll cover later on this site). 

The mentioned enemies provides alot of barriers for our understanding of Gods words and even his existance, let's dig into that topic before we start with the coolest part (the methodology itselves).