God's plan for all human beings
What's Gods plan?
God is beyond our understanding (he's transcendent). Everything we (humans) can sence (touch, taste, hear, see and smell) is created by a God whom we can't see ourselves. All this is overvelming and hard to understand, but after understanding the consept of free will and religion we have to asknowledge there has to be a bigger plan for us and I wanna lay out a theory for this, but this theory is not backed up with clearly and convincing academic sources. It's a theory I have from the book of revelation combined with common sence.
Many theologians have tried to understand God's plan from the scriptures, espesially by interpreting John's book of revelation. Many say it's a new world coming, all this seems logic and making sence when you'll see the big picture and how the current world is working.
An logic way to understand Gods plan
An logic way to understand Gods plan
Lets say you are God (sorry for the blasfemy, but this is an example) and you wanna create a nice place for your children. You are extremely fertile and love your wife very much, in other words you'll have alot of children. You have the ability to live forever and the same goes for your children, but before you invite everyone to this heavenly (literally) place you might wanna do some soulsearching (also literally), why? Because some of your children hate your guts and even harm their own sisters and brothers.
So how to deal with this? Would you choose to bring the bad children to the eternity without a second though?
If you are a nice God maybe you even would create a consept where redemtion creates a possibility for the bad ones to come along in the end anyhow?
Maybe you would interfere with your childrens attitude problem by some way of correction assets? Like, for example a book were they might learn about moral standards and consequences?
Or maybe you would go so far that the already mentioned book would contain information of a redeemer? A person will appear and save everybody from themselves?
And what if that person would show his own love for the humans so strong he would die for the cause?
Why am I choosing to ask all these wierd question? Because all this is a fact and because if you are creating a place for eternity without evil and suffering you need to be sure the ones you're bringing to this place is loving people with a nice personality. And how do you know they're nice persons without putting them through a discreet and thoroughly test?
The obvious answer is; you can't, because the unconditinal love needs the free will to function and the free will is needed for the relationship with God to be genuine. So this consept is constructed by a genious (God of course) and is only understandable for those who wants be in a relationship with God and people of the same kind; with unconditional love for everyone in the new worlds society.