How do we know there is a God?
And what does it mean for you?
What does it mean we have a God?
In short: It means there's hope and a real possibility for a better life right now.
In long term: it means one day there will be a new world were there's no suffering and you might be living in it.
Really? Yes, there's no question about this, but for getting our heads around to understand this we have a long way. We need a kind of transformation and the transformation starts here.
This is my story - and it might be yours as well
I have experianced all this so I am going to tell you how all this works out in my point of view. This is my truth and it is all backed up with academic sources. However; some theologians will disagree with me on some details, but I have experienced this and it's the truth. This may even be the start of your redemtion and start the relationship with God, just read this website as a book, in other words: read from the start to the end and don't hurry, cause this takes time. God is working with you and your transformation happens at the same time. You just have to be genuine. Enjoy you have started and try to follow the instructions, cause there will be mental and fysical tasks to do as well. The fysical tasks migth seem wierd (at least a couple of them), but please bear with me cause they matter in the big picture.
Some will probably say "haven't we heard this before and why should we listen to you?" Well, for starters I wanna emphasize I was an ateist for my hole life until one day when something remarkeable happend to me, here we go:
Personal story of my redemtion
"Before I get to the remarkable part I think it's necessary for you to know a little about my personality and attitude before my life was turned around. I have to say I know alot of negative persons and I have been around in certain circles in my life, but I am pretty certain I'm one of the worst people I know. Details are not important, but I know about my own actions and I can't say I am proud of myselves when it comes to how I've treated others. One day I started to reflect on this and went into a hard period of time for a week or so. It was a period with serious remorse and (luckily for me) I took full responsebility for my actions. Why luckily? Because it was the start of something good; the good part started when I had a question popping up inside my head as a thought; "Hey you! What do you think about the fact there's a God?"
My old me would probably laugh at this point, but my own situation with remorse had converted/transformed (I will cover this part more in details later) me enough to be more open for the question than I was able to earlier. When I answered the question with a "yes that is logic, cause all this (world/universe) can't exist by itselves", my hole body was filled with love! An amazing experience where all my mental pain (and some fysical) was drained from my body and mind, tears started to flow from my eyes (without crying like we're used to), it was like "happy tears" and the whole experience was like I was comforted by something. I didn't understand what "this something" was and why it happend, the only thing I understood was; "we have a God!" The following weeks was amazing, I was still filled with love and I couldn't help myselves from telling everybody I met about the fact that I have had an encounter with God and he is the source of love and how amazing this situation is.
Maybe you wonder how this worked out for me?
The answer is; not good at all, some people actually ran away (literally) from me and others in my social circle started to avoid me. When I think of it today I can't blame them since my approach was everything but subtle, but what's different now?
Well today, 5 years later I have studied theology, in the start on my own for 2 years and then I went to the university for learning the academic parts of this remarkable truth. Why I am doing this? Because my life finally have meaning and I wanna try to help others to come to the same conclusion as myself. Before I talk about religion I would like to present some logical ways to explain Gods existence.
Here I present (with good help from Taylor Jensens website) the best ways to answer the most important question in history:
How do we know we have a living God who created the universe, the planet earth and everything on the planet, us included.
1. We know there's a God and a creator because of one of the greatest scientific laws in our nature: Determinism.
One of the greatest scientific laws of nature is called Determinism and means "the law of cause and effect". It's written in this law that everything happens because something led to it happen. Let's start with some childish examples and finish with the important one:
A child did not show up one day, the parents were the reason why the child showed up.
Nothing can ever create anything.
And the most important one: The universe is growing, meaning that one day there was nothing. Many scientist have spent several years trying to understand how it all began, and to sum it up in short: The creation of the universe started with a "big bang", but what caused the big bang? That question is some how answered in the following conversation between Taylor Jensen and a scientist.
What's the big bang theory? - And what caused it?
This is a copy of a conversation between Taylor Jensen and a researcher that migth put some ligth to the question:
"Once I (Taylor Jensen) talked to an atheist researcher, and asked him what could have caused the Big Bang? He explained that "singularity caused it."
It sounds big and scary to a little educated guy (in this area) like me. So I asked what singularity meant.
To sum up, he explained that a singularity is a single place (a black hole in space) where the laws of physics, time and science in themselves break down and merge into something "above the laws of nature" or a "supernatural phenomenon" with enormous forces. This "supernatural phenomenon" can not be measured or recorded, and may have caused the birth of the laws of nature.
"Stop there," I asked at the moment, somewhat confused. "To create everything? And this supernatural event can not be seen or measured? You just have to believe it happened? "
"Yes" he admitted.
"Wow, you just defined having faith" I remarked.
"You believe in something supernatural that created everything. You admit that you will never be able to record, test or prove this. You have to believe it happened. How is this not God?"
He had no answer.
"Well, I believe God is behind the supernatural singularity.
He was the first cause to influence everything.
Atheists' belief in the Big Bang gives no meaning, purpose or morality.
Belief in God gives at least life purpose and explains why we have morals. ”
I kept telling him the gospel, explaining how our belief in God as the uniqueness of the universe gives us life, hope, purpose and future. I shared how God loves him, Jesus died for him and how he can still be a smart scientist who has faith in God as the creator of everything and everyone.
"Taylor," he replied, "I have to go home and rethink some things again."
Well, as we see from this conversation: Even science may contain some elements were belief is a factor. And when it comes to the fact that situations and even the universe's existance have a cause are an exquisite proof in my opinion that we have a God and creator.
Because what was the first cause? The power and force whom created the univerce must have been extreme and indescribable.
Only something outside the known (by humans) laws of nature could set them in motion, and that "something" is in my opinion God.
2. We know we have a loving God because humans have free will.
God gave humans free will, this is very important in many factors and I wanna start with the relationship between God and humans. Without free will there would not be a genuine relationship between humans and God, and the factor of an genuine relationship is unconditional love. God wants us to love him as he loves us; Unconditionally. To achieve unconditional love, there must be free will. The alternative is a relationship based on fear and "forced love" which is something far from unconditional love. Some may say that christianity have factors of fear in it's own theology, yes that's true in some ways, but when you dig deeper than the surface you will see it's only in it's own structure and espesially the old testament these situastions occur and when we speak of it, the old testament builds up to the New testament were God actually appear in human history as Jesus (I'll cover this topic later and I have to reveal: it's all logic)
Let's dig into an usual counter argument when it comes to God and his existance:
Many people having doubts say: "How can we have a living God when he let all this evil and suffering happen in the world?"
Okey, what do you want him to do? Would you like him to appear and correct us? Like how? With punishment?
Would that be a loving God or would it be a diktator? What would happen to your own free will in such a situastion?
Having free will adds a huge challenge for all human beings and It makes many of us self destructive. These days less people believe and honor God in their lives and since people have their own free will, bad choices are taken from their own mind. If you blame God for your own bad choices you really need a reality check. So in other words; All the evil in this world is our own responsibility.
3. We know there's a God because there is a link between materialism and spiritualism.
When it comes to highlight this topic I find Thomas Aquinas' theory about human beings' self awereness very interesting. Thomas wanted to proof Gods existance and turned to Aristoteles' philosofi in his own work. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1275) acknowledged that reason had to be the base for answering the question about Gods existanse and used Aristoteles' teleological theory (were there is a reason for everything), but in Thomas' opinion; when reason didn't quite "cut it" humans' beleif actually filled the gap (this will be a huge point later on this website when we'll dive into Pauls' theology which explains how humans may be fysically and mentally redeemed).
Thomas claimed there's only one reality which consists of two primary elements: The fysical parts (e.g. plants, animals and water) and the spiritual parts (e.g. God, angels and spirits). Thomas claimed humans needed to accomodate both elements in their lives for be able to live a life being happy. Thomas emphesized humans needed to approach both element with reason as a gateway and be supported with beleif when necesarry. This means that when we can't explain a topic in only a scientific and explainable way we need to support our way of thinking with belief. In my opinion this stands out as the most important point if we want to be able to see the truth about our excistance and at the same time be able to live a good life. We really need to be in contact with both elements: the fysical part for survival and comfort, and we need to be in contact with the spiritual part for being mentaly stabile and genuin happy. The last part is decreasing in the secularisation prosess we see in these days in our world, at the same time we note an increasing number of humans having mental problems.
Are we happy or do we feel something is missing? Do we know how to fullfill our lives handling the fysical part? It looks like we don't have a problem with that cause all of us know how to survive in fysical matter. So maybe the problem (why we're not happy) is more related to: Not being connected to the spiritual part. So lets take a look on how that works out and skip to the next page; religion.