Barriers between us and God

Hate - Jealousy - Anger - Lies -  Judging others - Pride  - Power - Greed - "Being out of order" - Overconsumption 

We all know these negativities affects us in their own context, but I wanna point out how I've experiansed all of them as barriers in my own life when it comes to my (and others') relationship to God.

For understanding God and his plan for all human beings you need to understand the scriptures in the bible and there's normally only one way to learn from texts; read and understand what' been told, but when it comes to this case I actually believe it's not that easy, and I'll explain this further;

When God walked around on earth (as Jesus) talking to his disciples and the rest of the people he spoke in parables teaching the gospel. The disciples and other followers in those days wondered why he did so, and why did he?
Through speaking in parables, Jesus gave understanding only to those whom seeked Him, by revealing the truth and the insigth of the gospel to only those who were willing to listen and thoughtfully consider what He had to say, I beleive it's the same with everyone living today. We need to listen to Gods words with an open heart to really understand what's been said. In His grace some are given the ability to understand God's word, but the other group of people won't be able to understand the message even if they hear the words spoken, because e.g. pride, greed or some of the other mentioned negativities stands in their own way to really understand what it's all about.
In other words; all the negativities a person possess works like an intellectual blockade.

Does this mean people have to change their ways to "be worthy" for understand the gospel? Yes, I believe so.

The more you study God's words the more wisdom and "benefits" you'll receive from him, but only if you change your heart and on the next page i'll go through what you need to do, but right now I want you to make a shortlist over your own"barriers" to understand God. All of the mentioned negativities will make to "stupid",but I don't mean "humanly stupid", but you won't be able to understand God. Which is more important than being "humanly-smart" in my opinion.
So before you go to the "Methodology" at next page, please prepare yourself a bit by thinking about which negativities you possess, and if you're saying; "none" means you are a liar. So please for your own sake, be 100% honest and remember God knows you anyway.

Perhaps you feel a bit down right now because you have (hopefully) been starting to think; "this will never work since I'm such an a...... and so on. Then I have to say "good stuff" because that's exactly what we all are and I wanna provide you a slice of motivation in the next textbox.

The best part of this consept is; it doesn't matter if you "tic all of the negativy boxes" cause God have seen it all and he knows were they all comes from (but thats a topic for later). Let's go to the methodology page for being honest about our own negativities (the more the better).

Now it's time for the coolest thing ever in your life, it will also be the most breathtaking, amazing and hopefully everlasting encounter you'll experience. You are about to make a connection with God if you follow the methology which is described on the next page.