Ten commandments in 2024

The ten commandments in a detailed format and how I try to see them in our modern world I beleive they need to be seen in another context than when they were deleivered. Remember the ten commandments may look a bit different in how they are presented, the reason if because they have different sources; either from Exodus or the version in Deuteronomy, but the content if however the same.

1. You shall only have one GOD.

This basically means obviously you should not worship any idols as animals or other beings/figures, but it also means something that many forget in these modern times: We have our priorities wrong; we knowing our God exists must put Him first at all times and trust him to take care of us. God knows we need food, clothes, a job and everything else to survive, and he's the one taking care of all this. He knows what you need, so trust Him all the time and respect Him in this way: Do not put your job or other interests before Him, this is the first commandment and the most important one. The creation of God is made for us to appreciate, but not for worshiping.

2. You shall not make idols.

We are not to make any images of our God since we have not even seen him, we are only to worship him, his laws, covenants and respect the creation of our God.

3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

This means that you should use swear words or abuse God's name like this: "Oh my God" which is an expression many people abuse everyday. Imagine being "nagged on all the time", and especially in situations you can't stand. Don't ever forget God is alive and he's aware of everything going on.  

4. You shall keep the Sabbath day holy.

Sunday is a day for having a rest and if you don't have to work or have important duties, this day should be used to develop yourself in the right direction: by relaxing and spend a little time reading the bible for getting closer to God, or even attend your local churh. 

If you work as a doctor or nurse you shall of course go to work, God understands you have duties, but if you prefer to work (i.e. you don't have to) instead of developing spiritually then you are not only breaking this commandment, but you indirectly breaking the first. Remember one important thing: God loves you, and a genuine good relationship needs to go both ways.

5. You must honor your mother and your father.

Good behavior and upbringing start in the home, which requires consideration and respect both ways in all relationships. It's obviously a good base in life if a family sticks together and develops a faith in God. If you have a good relationship with your parents you are lucky, but if you have issues make sure you work on those during your self-reflexion. Forgive and forget so you all can unite as a family again.

6. Do not kill.

It goes without saying one shouldn't kill other humans, but this commandment goes much deeper than that: Nor should we "kill" nature, the environment, animals or destroy or abuse any of God's creations. This is more complex and involves other negativities such as over-consumption and greed as well. The reason why humans are experiencing the climate crisis is their own self-destructiveness in the form of greed and a negative culture making us buy a new car every fifth year and a new cell phone every second year even if those items work perfectly as they are.

7. You shall not commit adultery, but you shall keep the marriage holy.

Totally unnecessary (we hope) to go in depth in this commandment, but for those who doesn't have true love, I must emphasize true love is a lot easier to experience through genuine contact with God. When a couple is in contact with God (both of you believe and trust in God) you may trust your partner 100%. You will never commit adultery in a situation like this, not even in your mind. It's highly recommended for many reasons.

8. Do not steal.

You shall not steal anything, but it also means that you're not supposed to deceive others or make deals with hidden agendas. Remember that a deal is only good when both parts feel good after making the deal. This covenant even means you shall learn to share (if possible) with those who are not as fortunate as ourselves. Try it, it makes you feel good about yourselves.

9. Do not lie and remember to be honest in every way.

Lies only make your life full of conflicts and remember who is watching over you: God see you 24/7.
It's easier to tell the truth to people than lie, so why make your life more difficult than it should be. This also means you shall never judge or speak falsely about other people. Remember you don't know about other people's circumstances or situations that may make them act in certain ways. Other people's business is not ours to have an opinion about, so just leave it and focus on yourself instead.

10. You shall not covet or envy anyone's belongings or spouse.

The feeling of envy for other people's possessions, status, property, state or looks are extremely destructive.
It's a dangerous state of mind and will destroy your integrity and inner values as well. God will take care of your external values so your job is to take care of the inner values by being a nice person. When your value set is 100% inner values you won't be envious anymore, therefore I highly recommend working hard for making inner values into your core values.
This commandment also mean that you should not covet someone else's spouse (of course), but it also means that you should beware of getting between another couple. Do not get too close to someone else's spouse/girlfriend as it can create jealousy and hostility

The list is long and for some it looks overwelming, but remember you have Gods spirit inside you now and the hole point with Gods Spirit is helping you to change your ways. This is the point with Gods salvation consept, so keep praying to God for him to change you.

picturesource: christianity.com

Jesus' 2 covenants sums it all up quite easily.

Jesus made it easier for humans to follow all of the specific covenants up above like this:

Both covenants sums it all up with one word; love. Imagine how the world would be if everyone cared for one another and showed love and compassion in every way of action and actually did to one another like they wanted to be treated themselves. 

This may be how the next world will be like, and while speaking of it lets take a look at what Gods plan actually looks like.